How can I reset or change my password?

This article addresses steps to change or reset your Plum account password and basic troubleshooting steps if you have difficulties resetting your password.

reset password modal

Plum passwords must:

  • Be at least 10 characters long
  • Include at least one number
  • Include at least one capital letter
  • Include at least one special character
  • Not be a generic word, such as “password”
  • Not be your email address

Changing the password of your Plum account

  1. Log into Plum at
  2. Navigate to Settings, under Account.
  3. Click on the blue pencil icon next to Password.

pencil icon beside password within settings


You forgot your password and you wish to reset it

If you forgot your password or you wish to reset it, you can do so by entering your email address here. You will receive an email with a link to reset your password. Make sure to check your spam/junk folder for it.

You will not receive a password reset email if there is no Plum account created with your email address.


Troubleshooting steps for issues resetting your password 

  1. Check that you have an existing Plum account with that email address. You may want to try again with a different email address if you are unsure. You will only receive the reset password email if you have an existing Plum account with the email you entered.
  2. Did you access the assessment through a direct link from your email? Your login attempt may be unsuccessful if you have not set a password yet for your Plum account. Some employers use “loginless” links for your Plum assessment, which means you don't need to log in to complete the assessment. Once you click on the link, you will receive an email inviting you to set your password for your Plum account.
  3. We recommend using Google Chrome as your browser in its most updated version. This ensures the ultimate platform performance, including the performance of the reset password function.
  4. Delete your Google browser history and cache and close your browser windows.
  5. Paste this link in your browser: 
  6. Enter your email address and review it to ensure there are no typographic errors.
  7. Check your email inbox as well as your Spam folder for an email from titled "Password reset for Plum"
  8. The email address may be blocked via your organization’s firewall. Please check with your internal IT department to safelist it.
  9. If you still have not received your password reset email, we recommend retrying the steps above with a different browser (Firefox, Edge, or Safari) or device. Depending on your browser, certain plugins or add-ons can affect the performance of the password reset function. In addition to trying a different browser, we recommend trying the incognito mode of the browser as there will be no cache or cookies stored there.

If you manage resetting your password but that you cannot successfully login, we invite you to consult the following articles:

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