How do I link my Plum Profile to my other Plum account/email address?

Do you have an existing Plum account and want to submit an application or join your company's account with a different email address, without having to retake the Plum Discovery Survey?

Do you have multiple email addresses/Plum accounts and you would like your Plum Profile to be linked to all of those Plum accounts?

This article is for you!

  • Candidates submitting new applications with a different email address can link their existing Plum Profile to their new Plum account.
  • Candidates with a Plum account under their personal email address who are then hired and provisioned a Plum account with their work email address can link their Plum Profile from their personal email address to their work email address. 

Only accounts without a Plum Profile (not in-progress or complete) are eligible to have a Plum Profile from another account linked with them. I.e., you must receive an invitation link to Plum or submit an application via Plum using an email address that doesn't have a started Plum Discovery Survey in order to be offered the option to link a Plum Profile from another account.

Only Plum Profiles will be linked, NOT APPLICATIONS. This means that if you mistakenly submitted an application with the wrong email address, you will first need to link your existing Profile to the new email, and submit the application with that new email address. You can then verify on your Applied page that the application was submitted.



  1. Click on the button in the Plum application/invitation email you received from the employer.
  2. If you are prompted to enter an email address, enter the one for which you do not have a Plum Profile yet. Then, go through the email verification process to create your account.
  3. Once your account is created, you will land on the Discovery Survey Welcome Page, which will ask you Is this the first time you'll be taking this survey?. Click No, I've taken it before

    Image of the welcome screen for the Discovery Survey

  4. Click Yes, link survey

    Image of linking Plum accounts

  5. Enter the email address you used for your previously created survey and click Next. You will receive a 6 digit code at that email address.

    Image of field to enter email address to link accounts

    Image of email received after adding email address

  6. Enter the code and click Next. You will then see a confirmation that your Plum Profile was linked!

    Image of field to add code received in emailImage of confirmation of linked accounts

For job applicants, make sure that your application is submitted by checking your Applied Page. Learn more about checking jobs you've applied to. 

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