Assessment: Plum Discovery Survey

Section 2 and Section 4: I can't move/drag and drop the puzzle piece

To answer the questions in sections 2 and 4 of the Discovery Survey, you do not need to move the puzzle piece into the square with the question mark. The puzzle questions are not drag-and-drop. Simply click/tap on a puzzle piece to select it. You will then be able to select Next and go on to the next question.

Example image of section 2

If you are still having issues, please confirm that you are not on the Section 2: Problem Solving Instructions page. If you are unable to select a puzzle piece, you may be trying to complete the example question (shown below), for which you do not need to pick an answer. The sample page video shows you how you should be answering the questions. Simply click Next.

Image of section 2 instructions page

We recommend using a computer or tablet with the latest version of Google Chrome as your browser. Alternatively, we suggest you try a different internet browser (Safari, Edge, or Firefox) and/or device to see if the issue continues. For more troubleshooting tips, read this article: I am having technical issues with Plum.

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